Last year my knee usually start paining without any reson and i was not knowing the reason of pain so i consulted to doctor and doc told me that i was having flexible flat feet.

I got worried but my doc cheered me and he explained me everything about flat feet and told me the treatment 

feet pain
He recommended me the surgery then i went to my friend who is physiotherapist and  told him the whole problem so he suggested me some exercises and running. i got result in just 2 months 

my knee pain stopped and feet recovered. so i decided to share my knowledge and experience with you.

So keep reading


if you have flat feet, your feet don’t have a normal arch when you stand up, allowing the entire soles of your feet to touch the floor . 

The condition is referred to as fallen arches. It’s normal in infants and usually disappears between ages lat 2 and 3 years old as the ligaments and tendons in the foot and leg tighten. It is rarely serious situation in children but for adults it is really serious 

A human foot has 33 joints, which hold 26 different bones together. It also has over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The arches act like spring to the step and help to distribute your body weight across across legs and weight. Arch determines your walk . The arches need to be flexible to adapt stress and variety of surface

In some cases, flat feet are caused by injuries or illness, creating problems with ankles knees and alignment of leg

What are causes of flat feet

  • genetic factors, as flat feet can pass from parents to children in the genes
  • weak arches it means that you are able see arch when you are sitting but when you stand or walk arch is not visible which also known as flexible flat feet
  • due to foot or ankle injury the tendons in one or both feet may become damaged.
  • arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • damage, dysfunction, or rupture of the posterior tibial tendon
  • nervous system or muscle diseases, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or spina bifida
  • Another condition that might cause flat feet is tarsal coalition. This condition causes the bones of the foot to fuse together unusually, resulting in stiff and flat feet.
  • Years of wear and tear can weaken your tendon that runs along the inside of your ankle and helps support your arch.
flat feet

Flat feet military

Most armies of the world rejects the person who are flat feet. Actually army training is hard. The main aim of their training is to test you in extreme situation.

Army personnel need to undergo a rigorous physical program. an individual with flat feet won't be ready to deal with such activities. If foot arch isn't absolutely developed it'll not act as a cushion, instead shock are absorb by the spine.

This could cause issues within the back. Also, flat foot will cause pain in foot that successively can once more hamper athletic skills of the person. at the start there would be pain in heel, ankle joint and knee.

Then there may be muscular pain in calf muscles. because the condition deteriorates, pain and injury can reach hip and spine.

Therefore, persons with flat feet are suggested to refrain from exhausting physical activities like running, carrying weight and jumping.

Symptoms of flat feet

Most people have no symptoms or sign of flat feet

But many have experienced pain in the feet due to flat feet. This can occur as a result of strained muscles and connecting ligaments.

If your ankles turns inward abnormal stresses on the knee and hip may result in pain in these joints. 

Pain most commonly affects the following parts of the body:

inside ankle, alongside possible swelling

  • arch of the foot
  • calf
  • knee
  • hip
  • lower back
  • lower legs
  • One or both feet may also feel stiff.

Flat feet disadvantages

shock absorption of your body is one of the key functions of the human foot. 

With each step we take, we average about 150 percent of body weight on the foot when we come down on it as we walk.

lf the foot is of normal arch configuration, the gradual lowering of the arch, as the body weight comes upon that foot is how that shock is absorbed.

lf, however, the arch is flat, there is no lowering of the arch and the force of body weight is then transferred to the lower back, back symptoms frequently develop as a result of years of body use and abuse.

flat feet tend to be an excessive pulling of the plantar fascia, which further leads to chronic heel and arch pain

Flat feet treatment

Some people with flat feet may automatically align their limbs in a way that prevents symptoms. People who are not experiencing symptoms do not usually require treatment.

If flat feet are causing pain, then supportive, well-fitted shoes can help. Extra-wide-fitting shoes can provide relief.

Fitted insoles and orthotics or custom-designed arch supports are also good fot flat feet. However, these products only treat the symptoms and do not provide long-lasting benefits.

Wearing an ankle brace reduces inflammation in feet

some changes in your daily routine may reduce your pain from flat feet may

For example, your Doctor may recommend a diet and exercise program to manage your weight to reduce the pressure on your feet.

Surgery may be an option in more serious cases and is usually the last resort.

Your orthopedic surgeon may create an arch in your feet, repair tendons, or fuse your bones or joints.

Flat feet treatment exercises

1. Heel stretches

  1. Stand with your hands resting on a wall, chair, or railing at shoulder or eye level.
  2. Keep one leg forward and the other leg extended behind you.
  3. Press both heels firmly into the floor.
  4. Keeping your spine straight, bend your front leg and push yourself into the wall or support, feeling a stretch in your back leg and Achilles tendon.
  5. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  6. Do each side 4 times.

2. Tennis/golf ball rolls

  1. Sit on a chair with a tennis or golf under your right foot.
  2. Maintain a straight spine as you roll the ball under your foot, focusing on the arch.
  3. Do this for 2–3 minutes.
  4. Then do the opposite foot.

3.Arch lifts

  1. Stand with your feet directly underneath your hips.
  2. Making sure to keep our toes in contact with the floor the entire time, roll your weight to the outer edges of your feet as you lift your arches up as far as you can.
  3. Then release your feet back down. You’ll work the muscles that help to lift and supinate your arches.
  4. Do 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions.

4. Calf raises

  1. While standing, lift your heels as high as you can.
  2. You can use a chair or wall to help support your balance.
  3. Hold the upper position for 5 seconds, and then lower back down to the floor.
  4. Do 2–3 sets of 15–20 repetitions.
  5. Then hold the upper position and pulse up and down for 30 seconds.

5. Stair arch raises

  1. Stand on steps with your left foot one step higher than your right foot.
  2. Use your left foot for balance as you lower your right foot down so your heel hangs lower than the step.
  3. Slowly lift your right heel as high as you can, focusing on strengthening your arch.
  4. Rotate your arch inward as your knee and calf rotate slightly to the side, causing your arch to become higher.
  5. Slowly lower back down to the starting position.
  6. Do 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions on both sides.

6. Towel curls

  1. Sit in a chair with a towel under your feet.
  2. Root your heels into the floor as you curl your toes to scrunch up the towel.
  3. Press your toes into your foot.
  4. Hold for a few seconds and release.
  5. Make sure to keep the ball of your foot pressed into the floor or towel. Maintain an awareness of the arch of your foot being strengthened.
  6. Do 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions.

7. Toe raises

For variation you can try doing this exercise in standing yoga poses such as Tree Pose, Standing Forward Bend, or Standing Split.

  1. While standing, press your right big toe into the floor and lift up your other four toes.
  2. Then press your four toes into the floor and lift up your big toe.
  3. Do each way 5–10 times, holding each lift for 5 seconds.
  4. Then do the exercise on your left foot
in this video you will know everything about flat feet and about its treatment